Sture Johansson and the spirit Ambres

Image from- Many years ago, After watching Shirley MacLaine’s brilliant film and Book ‘Out on a limb’ I got interested in Sture Johansson, who trance channels the spirit ‘Ambres’. Shirley MacLaine went to Sweden to visit Sture in the film, and sat in on one of his trance channeling sessions.Sture is a simple CarpenterContinue reading “Sture Johansson and the spirit Ambres”

Merry Christmas To all

I would like to wish everybody out there, a big Merry Christmas…. I know it’s a bit different this year with the lockdowns and pandemic, but appreciate those that are around you, as every soul touches another in some way, so make it positive. Take care and stay safe! Lance.

Surrendering to my Spiritual Journey

Hi All I suffer from mental health conditions know as Bipolar disorder and Obsessive compulsion behavior, I have had these condition since an early age of my life, as a result of this, I am always searching for new ways to cope with this condition and to grow and evolve spiritually. Apart from daily dosesContinue reading “Surrendering to my Spiritual Journey”

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